Frequently asked questions

  • Proof of reserves

    Is an independent audit conducted by a third party that seeks to ensure that a custodian holds the assets it claims to on behalf of its clients.

  • Rate of proofed volume

    Is a metric that shows the percentage of the trading volume in audited currencies. Only pairs where base and quote currency are audited are included. Formula: Audited trading volume = (The trading volume of audited assets )/(Total trading volume).

  • Total balance

    Total exchange balance calculated in USD. Data from and

  • Audited balance

    The balance of audited assets.

  • Audited assets

    Number of audited assets.

  • Assets liabilities

    The balance liabilities of the exchange to its users.

  • Merkle proof

    A method that gives users the possibility to verify Proof of Reserves audit transparency on their own.